Paraffin wax (available at chemical companies or from petroleum-refining companies). The paraffin wax consists seven parts of the total candle.
Dye (for making different colors)
2 Parts microwax (available at chemical or pharmaceutical outlets).
1 Part crystal wax (available at chemical or pharmaceutical outlets).
Essential oil
Containers for mixing colors and melting wax
Molds (plaster of paris or aluminum).
Double boiler
Water heater
Wick (made of bleached cotton yarn available at the market)
Ladle (for pouring the liquid wax into the mold)
1. Cut paraffin wax into pieces. Put in container and heat in double boiler until wax is completely melted. (This can be done by utilizing a cooking stove and heating pieces of wax in a cooking pan).
2. Add dye to melted paraffin wax.
3. Add microwax to melted paraffin wax and mix until microwax is completely melted.
4. Heat crystal wax in a separate container and add it to paraffin wax-microwax mixture.
5. Add 1 teaspoon of essential oil per liter of wax solution to make candles smooth and hard. Stearic acid may be used instead of essential oil.
6. Prepare molds (in two parts) on which to pour wax by taking out clamps to separate mold.
7. Apply oil into mold cavities to separate candle easily.
8. Insert wick into molds and bring both parts of mold together and clip.
9. Using a big ladle, pour melted wax in mold, filling it up to top.
10. Put mold in a basin of cold water for a few minutes to solidify wax.
11. Take out mold from water, open, and remove candles.
12. Cut off excess wick.
1. Pack candles in strong paper or cardboard to avoid moisture.
2. Label each packet of candles.
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