Saturday, January 29, 2011


3    cups ripe durian pulp
1 ½ cups refined sugar

Mixing utensils
Cooking utensils
Sterilized jars
Processing equipment

1.      Mix durian pulp and sugar.  Cook in low fire until mixture reaches jam consistency.
2.      While hot, pour the mixture into sterilized jars.
3.      Process further by keeping the jam in boiling water for 25 minutes before sealing jars.


Health Benefits of Durian:

Durian is large spikey fruit with a sulfuric smell. Almost everyone finds this fruit either repulsive or addictive. Few fall in between. Durian is rare in that it is a significant source of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
In Thailand, Durian is banned from many public areas because of the smell. Thailand's Ministry of Health warns against eating more than two sections of durian per day, as people have occasionally been known to die from excessive durian intake. People are killed every year by durians falling from trees.
You can find durian at your local Asian market. A typical durian has 5 sections of fruit. When it is ripe, a seam should be visible down the outside of each section of the shell. To eat, pull apart along the shell seams and remove the yellow pod of fruit inside.
Serving size: 1 cup
Region: Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam

Health Benefits

Blood A strong blood cleanser.
Mood Contains high levels of the amino acid tryptophan, known to alleviate anxiety, depression, and insomnia, and create feelings of euphoria, by raising levels of serotonin in the brain.
Muscles A good muscle builder. Contains high levels of soft proteins.
Sexual Function Asian legends say that durian is a powerful aphrodisiac.


Carbohydrates 65.8 g 22%
Copper 0.5 mg 25%
Fats 13 g 20% A good source of monounsaturated fat
Fiber 9.2 g 37%
Iron 1 mg 7%
Magnesium 72.9 mg 18%
Manganese 0.8 mg 27%
Potassium 1060 mg 30%
Protein/Amino Acids 3.6 g 7% Contains higher levels of protein than most other fruits.
Sulfur N/A N/A Known for it's sulfuric odor.
Vitamin B6 0.8 mg 44%
Vitamin B9/Folate 87.5 mcg 44%
Vitamin C 47.9 mg 80%

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


2    lbs. sweet chocolate or orange-flavored chocolate
2    lbs. butter
1    cup refined sugar
      Dash of salt
1    cup almonds

Cooking utensils
Plastic wrappers
Airtight containers

1.      Grate chocolate. Set aside.
2.      Melt butter, sugar, and salt in a saucepan stirring constantly until mixture become thick.
3.      Spread out quickly on ungreased pan and sprinkle chocolate and almonds over top.
4.      Cut into desired sizes, let cool, and wrap individually.
5.      Keep in airtight containers.

Health Benefits of Almond:

In the Prunus genus, the almond is the odd man out. It is a dry little kernel, whose kin include fleshy peaches and plums, those lush crops associated with bountiful summer months. Yet this nutty fruit should not be underestimated. It is essential to traditions around the globe, and its bang for the buck health benefits put it at the top of the preventative medicine food chain.
A daily ounce of almonds significantly lowers the body's LDL cholesterol
A clinical trial published by the American Heart Association showed that a daily ounce of almonds significantly lowers the body's LDL ("bad") cholesterol. This same one-ounce serving also showcases the low carb nut's nutritional density, providing doses of vitamin E, magnesium, fiber, monounsaturated fat, protein and iron all in a mere 160 calories. Women will be happy to know it contributes to folic acid and calcium intake.
Health Benefits — Almonds:
Almonds are a source of calcium, vitamin E, folic acid, fiber, protein, iron, zinc, copper and magnesium
- Source of calcium, vitamin E, folic acid, fiber, protein, iron, zinc, copper and magnesium
- Nutritionally dense
- May improve weight loss in low-calorie diets
- May reduce risk of heart disease
- Rich in monounsaturated fat, and daily intake may lower cholesterol
- Low in carbohydrates
- Essential oil serves as an emollient
Today, with over 500,000 acres of almond trees, California is the world's largest cultivator, but the almond's journey from its source in ancient China to the health-happy Golden State took centuries. It first traveled the Silk Road to the Mediterranean and Middle East, and Franciscan padres brought it from Spain to Santa Barbara in the mid-1700s. One of the world's earliest cultivated foodsharvesting dates back to at least 3000 BCE the almond symbolizes female beauty in China and represents good fortune during the Christmas holidays in Scandinavia. A packet of five almonds, signifying health, wealth, happiness, fertility and longevity, is passed out to guests as a good luck favor at Italian weddings. There is even a rumor that eating almonds before a boozy night out will help keep you sober.

Almonds are considered a folk remedy for cancer, but have a dark side, too — bitter almonds contain Prussic acid, a form of cyanide, and eating too many can be fatal. As for the sweet version, the possibilities are endless. Whether raw, salted or sugared; in marzipan or Almond Roca; or transformed into essential oil for skin treatments and massages, the almond is one of nature's most versatile
and valuable — fruits.